Dies ist das Programm des Trainings, das von SACDEP vom 30.06. bis 02.07.2017 durchgeführt wurde:



FIRST DAY                                                 TOPICS

 MORNING SESSION                    - Introduction

                                                     - Dairy cattle breeds

                                                     - Characteristics of a good dairy cow

                                                     - How to choose a good dairy cow


MID-MORNING                            Feeds and feeding

 Types of feeds                            - Pasture establishment

                                                      - Pasture management

 Pasture conservation                 - Pasture utilization

                                                      - Formulation of homemade rations 

 AFTERNOON                                 - Housing 

                                                       - Disease/Disease control

                                                       - Parasites/Parasitic control 

                                                       - Their effects to livestock  


SECOND DAY                                            TOPICS


MORNING                                      - Breeds of dairy goats

                                                       - Poultry breeds


MID-MORNING                              Feeds and feeding


AFTERNOON                                  - Housing

                                                       - Disease and parasites


THIRD DAY                                                TOPICS



                                                       - Dairy cattle breeds

                                                       - Characteristics of a good dairy cow

                                                       - How to choose a good dairy cow


MID-MORNING                            FEEDS AND FEEDING

 Types of feeds                              - Pasture establishment

                                                        - Pasture management

 Pasture conservation                   - Pasture utilization

                                                        - Formulation of homemade rations 


AFTERNOON                                   - Housing 

                                                        - Disease/Disease control

                                                        - Parasites/Parasitic control 

                                                        - Their effects to livestock